Find out the most valuable Pokémon cards in Paldea Evolved. This page contains the latest prices to help you make informed decisions on the best cards to buy.

Best Pokémon cards in Paldea Evolved

paldea-evolved Marill sv2-204
Current Value: £12.04£178.87
Current Value: $15.35$228.01

Current Value: £13.67£31.37
Current Value: $17.43$39.99

Current Value: £15.65£38.34
Current Value: $19.95$48.87

Current Value: £16.08£47.01
Current Value: $20.50$59.92

sv2 sv2-105-Tinkaton-pc-Stamped
Current Value: £19.64£107.47
Current Value: $25.03$137

paldea-evolved Raichu sv2-211
Current Value: £26.67£149.05
Current Value: $34.00$190

paldea-evolved Tyranitar sv2-222
Current Value: £28.36£202.06
Current Value: $36.15$257.58

Current Value: £50.98£125.71
Current Value: $64.99$160.25

paldea-evolved Magikarp sv2-203
Current Value: £119.63£662.88
Current Value: $152.50$845

sv2 sv2-185-Iono-pc-Regional Championship Staff
Current Value: £150.23£666.81
Current Value: $191.51$850.01